All the garden lover’s plant flowers to see their garden bloom and visitors appreciate their hard work. Building a flower garden is not an easy task. Lot of planning and preparations has to be done before building a flower a garden.

There are several resources through which you can find relevant information on flower gardening. In this article I will be discussing some basic steps regarding building a flower garden.


Whenever planning to build a flower garden, you must include different varieties of plants. This is a type of strategy which will ensure that your garden remains colorful throughout the year. Including different varieties of different plants ensures that you have different seasonal flowers in your garden, which means that your garden will blossom in every season throughout the year.

How To Build A Flower Garden
How To Build A Flower Garden

Types Of Flowers

Before building your flower garden, you must understand the two main types of flowers. These two types includes seasonal/annuals and perennial. The first type of flower which is seasonal includes different flowers which blossoms in a particular seasons. The major advantage of this type of flowers is that they are easy to take care off and are also available in wide variety. Seasonal flowers are charming and colorful meaning addition of seasonal flowers in your flower garden will make your garden more colorful and attractive. You can plant them in baskets, containers and balconies.

The other type of flowers is perennial. The life span of these flowers are larger than seasonal flowers, they can extend to several years. Perennial flowers blossom in different season, there is no particular season for these types of flowers. Perennial flowers don’t require re-planting. Maintenance of perennial flowers is more difficult comparing to seasonal flowers. Perennial flowering plants include thick shrubs, large flowering trees and tall flowering shoots.  Addition of perennial flowers will ensure that your garden keeps blossoming in every season of the year.

Special Flowers

Apart from above mentioned two types of flowers, there are flower buds and rose gardens which can be considered by you whenever building your flower garden. Flower buds are the plants which produce only a single flower and they are dormant in the winter season. Flower buds are cheap and long lasting

Last but not least is the most poplar flower, the rose. Most of the people consider designing rose garden rather opting for traditional flower garden. Rose flower is the most important addition to your garden, you flower garden won’t be complete without the addition of roses. You must include roses in your flower garden.


After understanding the basics and different types of flowers, you can easily design your flower garden. Your flower garden must a combination of perennials and annuals, flower buds and roses must also be included in your flower garden.