This art of growing organic vegetables and flowers in a container is called organic container gardening. You can place the container anywhere according to your liking. You can grow your own vegetables and flowers in a container. A container can be moved easily from one place to another.
You can choose any type of container according to your liking. You can select plastic carton, bucket or even a wheelbarrow. At the time of the selection of a container, make sure the selected container can drain the water properly because some plants doesn’t likes to be over watered. If the container doesn’t have holes in it, you can make some with the help of a drilling needle.
When it comes to organic container gardening, the organic soil plays a vital role. You can add organic matters to the soil if you have the garden outside your house, but when you plan to use a container, make sure that you use organic soil. Your soil must have the ability to hold water. If your soil doesn’t have the ability to hold water then you can add peat moss to your organic soil. You can even directly grow your products in peat moss.
Considering the size of your selected container, you can grow anything in it. Depending upon the size you can select from lettuce, tomatoes, herbs and many other vegetables. Make sure that you use organic plants and seeds for organic gardening. Organic seeds and plants will help in producing organic products.
One major advantage of organic container gardening which I must discuss here is that pest control is much easier in this type of gardening comparing to the traditional forms of gardening. You can sight bugs easily as your container will be in front of your eyes. In order to get rid of harmful insects such as hookworms, cutworms and others you can sprinkle diatomaceous earth with in your container.
There is a threat that most of the container plants are affected by aphids. In order to get rid of aphids, simply buy a packet of ladybugs and spread them on your container plants. Ladybugs will get rid of the aphids without harming your plant.
Organic container gardening is relatively easy comparing to the other forms of gardening. This procedure is easy to perform and can be very satisfying. The grown organic food in your container will taste good. If you can take proper care of your container then it will produce organic food for a long time.