Spring is an exciting time for all gardening lovers. In this articles I will be discussing some important tips for spring flower gardening which will help you in maintaining and reshaping of your flower garden.

Before going towards spring flower gardening tips I would like to share a list of flowers which you can grow in spring season.

  • amaryllis
  • anemone
  • brodea
  • calla lily
  • cherry blossom
  • dahlia
  • freesia
  • heather
  • lilac
  • narcissus
  • orchid
  • peony
  • phlox
  • rose
  • sweet pea
  • tulip
  • zinnia

This is just a small list; there are lots of other flowers which you can grow in spring season.


Before diverting your attention towards your flower garden you have to keep an eye on your yard also. Following tips will help you in maintaining your yard:

  • First important thing which you have to do is you must clean up your winter lawn. Get rid of the stray leaves, twigs and winter rubble in the, by raking it properly. This will help the soil get some sunlight and fresh air.
  • You must again seed the bare or spoiled patches in the law.
  • If you want to remove any existing shrubs from the yard then you must transplant them before they start leafing out.

After taking care of your yard, next job for you is to maintain your flower garden. Following tips will help you in maintaining and re growing of the flowers:

  • You must remove the winter mulch from your garden.
  • You must replant the perennials that have been heaved out of the ground by the frost.
  • You must get rid of the dead plants by cutting them out.
  • You must not dig the flower bed too early. Make sure you start digging when your soil is properly dried out. You can also add compost or manure for enriching your soil with nutrients.
  • You must get rid of the weeds as soon as you see them. It’s necessary to get rid of them quickly otherwise you will have too much weeding work at your hand later on.

Spring is the best season for gardening as you will see the result of your hard work in the upcoming summer season. In order to see best results in the summer season, you must properly manage your flower garden in spring season. Above mentioned spring flower gardening tips will definitely help you in managing and re growing of your flower garden.