The blossoming lily, the fruit laden boughs, the red roses smiling as the cherubs in a cradle; are an apple to every individuals eye. But as said, ‘there can be no gain without pain’; a beautiful garden asks for inputs of hard work and determination from a gardener. To help you out in this endeavor of yours, we present these thumb rules to make your garden a fruitful effort irrespective of its location.

Thumb Rule 1- A refection of your Personality
Your garden is a mirror to your inner self. No matter what its size, your garden can be carved out exceptionally well. A muddled and disorganized garden would never be appreciated. A well planned and designed garden would even make you feel elated. For this purpose, you may resort to design software as Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw. Always remember, your garden is an extension of you and your unique personality.

Thumb Rule 2- Your garden, Your wisdom
Always make a prudent decision considering the various factors as the soil type, weather conditions, pest control measures, and amount of care required for your plant while selecting one. An erroneous decision would harm both your pocket and the living creature, your plant.

Take the example of an herb plant. An individual planning to set up an herb garden should formerly spend quality time in investigating the herbs and selecting those which grow well in their area. This would be a wise decision as plant growth is highly susceptible to climatic conditions. Investing in exotic plants would demand extra care and the results would be highly uncertain.

Thumb Rule 3- Turn Organic
There can be no substitute to organic fertilizers and manure and no denying to its advantages. Maximize the use of organics in your garden. The unique advantage that these fertilizers contain no chemicals would which get accumulated in the soil in the long run is very advantageous. Also it helps to restore the original fertility and health of the soil. Thereby, the use of other fertilizers and conditioners is limited.

A breathing garden is every gardeners dream. These little efforts could go a long way in serving you to fulfill your dream.